Next year I'm going to make my class use composition books to keep all their work. Keeping up with all this paper is not the business! I had a mind to do it this year, but next year for sure. I'm going to have 3-4 comp books per student and they'll just keep all their work in for a grade in that. Not sure what will happen with worksheets or that, but I'll find a way. Might make them trim the page and glue it to the a page in the composition book. My oldest does something like this for their homework. Thankfully she's overly responsible so that book is well taken care of. I'll have to budget/plan for the inevitable lost comp book, but hey. The ones my students use now in class are pretty well taken care of. I have had a few waste so many pages that they're done with their book and needed a new one. If I do a good job explaining the books on the front end I think I should be able to make my way through.
If anyone has any really cool ideas on helping 2nd graders who have never had to manage 3-4 comp books, keep them in tact and safe, let me know.
All I really know is I don't possess the time in the day or in my life for the abundance of loose paper that floats around my class.