Away to the hall I flew quite quick,
Careful not to fall cause the fresh waxed floors were still slick.
The hall gleamed like the sun in the day
Bright and shiny, causing my eyes dismay
When, what did a appear to my wondering eyes,
But a giant delivery truck, full of school supplies.
With a little old driver, nimble and fast
He brought in boxes and boxes for the first to the last
teachers from every call did arrive to see,
if there were goodies for them and what could they be!
"Now Expo! now, erasers! now, Ink cartridges, too!
wipes and kelenex, soap and a some glue!
Folders and paper, pencils and more!
You won't have to spend your own money for school supplies anymore!"
As dry erase tend to dry faster than they write,
He brought me new makers and highlighters that were bright.
Down each hall and every closet he visited.
Filling every teachers wishes and none were missed.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard at my door
The sound of boxes sliding across my floor.
I looked quite puzzled at this strange sound,
Down on the floor many goodies did a bound.
He he brought fresh lessons and ideas to boot,
And some new clothes along with a fresh suit.
A bundle of folders all filled in their entirety,
PR folders completed? This most be a dream!
He was not done, oh no he wasn't!
He brought contact numbers, Mom's, Dad's, Granny's and cousins!
Emails for parents who are ready to help.
Volunteer at the drop of the dime at the slightest yelp.
He smiled at he showed the whitness of his teeth,
His final gift was far beyond belief.
He handed me an envelope, I was shocked at the day.
Inside I found a raise in my pay!
It was more than I expected and I was in dismay,
He smiled and told me "We're giving your Basketball player pay!"
A wink of his eye and a nod of his head,
Soon gave me assurance there was nothing to dread.
He didn't say a word, just went about his task,
I was to shocked to question. To surprised to ask.
How does he know where all my supplies should be?
How in the world did he get the number for Uncle Ree-Ree?
Then he was off to his truck with a jingle of keys,
All the teachers were in their rooms filled with glee.
I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
"Happy Pre-planning to all, and to all a good-night!"